Friday, December 11, 2015



I saved this post for last because this is my favorite way to get great deals! If you take your time, and use some of my strategies (they aren't profound) you can get stuff for a lot cheaper. I am not responsible for any harm or danger that is cause by my opinion and use everything at your discretion! 

Lets get started:

1- Find a deal within you price range. 

I usually try to search something that is roughly 20% above your price range. So, Im looking to spend about $200 on a 50mm f/1.4.  20% above my price range would be  $240-$250 So my options are Logan or Chicago, if I want to stay within my range. 

I also look at those to good to be true post as well. Sometimes you might get a great deal. ALWAYS STAY AWAY from those "email me at :  B R E N D A 4  &  @ G M A I L . C O M"   They are usually a scam and waste of time. 

2: Examine

I generally just try to look at the pictures. Since the Chicago post had none, I went with the Logan Square option. 
His/Her picture looks great and equipment looks clean. The next step would be to contact them and set up a meeting.

3: Setting Up the Meeting (most important) 

This is where the savings actually start.  Never name you actual price. Heck don't say a price at all. Tell the seller you want to see the product in person, you will be bringing cash., And express how motivated you are to buy the item asap.  If they ask price, and  pushing you  to name price, tell them you can't without seeing the item. (Also, this is a sign of how they might be in public) 

If you do all the negotiating before you see the item its harder to get a lower price once in person. The other option is you name this low price and they instantly accept. Ex: On an 270 item, you offer 200, they instantly say yes. Who says you couldn't have offered $180 and they'd have accepted!!! 

So leave the money out of the equation until necessary. 

Always pick somewhere safe with a lot of people. A restaurant, police station, or library for example. Never do a deal in a parking lot or at someone's house! Always try to do deals in the daytime. This way you can see who you are interacting with
Lets not forget to be honest, courteous, and on time! 

4: The meeting

On the day/time of the meeting take the amount of cash you want to spend. I personally take $20 dollar bills (you'll see why later). Leave all other forms of money/payment in the car or home.  After the introductions,  make sure you throughly examine what you are buying. I like to use the list that is provided here for all my camera purchases.  Its also useful for when you are trying to buy your own camera gear.  EXAMINE, EXAMINE, EXAMINE!!! Make sure everything seem right and if it doesn't walk! At this point you don't even have to bring up money. You can walk away with no harm or foul. 

5: Your Offer

If you've made it this far you like the product and you are ready to buy. This where I uses a little visual stimulation.

I don't know what it is, but $200 worth of 20's alway gets a buyer better than 2, $100 bills.  You probably think I am crazy, but try it out!  Depending on condition I go in low.  My offer would be  $180, Why because it NEVER hurts to ask!!I f its a "no",  would go to $200 (my max). If they aren't having it reiterate to them its all you have (the truth) and show it to them ( he selling point). I take it a step further and count it in front of them. 

At that point most people cave in. Give them time to look at the money and think about it. It starts to look like this....


If the answers "no", go to the restroom (hide the money in a new pocket/shoe) then exit safely. I promise you that there will be a better deal  If its a L series lens for 50% off then BUY IT!!!!

6: Enjoy your new lens!!!

Nothing better than getting something new and saving a lot of money!!!! In the process you might meet someone is a great photographer and make a new friend!!! 

7: Other Info

They are other tips and tricks that I use to help me get the best deal. This is just the one that that anyone can use to save on Craigslist. One day I'll reveal all of my secrets!

As a warning I always advice against seeing a stranger in public. I alway let someone know I am going out, where the meeting is, time of meeting, length of time I expect to take, when I arrive, and when I leave. I know I take a lot of precautions but I only have one life to live! If you can always take someone with you! Setup a call during the meeting to make sure you are okay. Heck have a code word you must say! 

I am not responsible for any harm or danger that is cause by my opinion and use everything at your discretion! 

Thank you for reading

Comment below and tell us about your great finds/deals!!!!

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